
Bike rentals are temporarily unavailable. Please contact us with any questions!

We rent Hardtail Specialized Mountain Bikes.

We rent our bikes for a 24-hour period. Reservations are encouraged in advance through our Rental Reservation Request Form or call 719-473-1015, with Height, Weight, and rental Date desired.

Rentals can be picked up by 10am and will be returned 24 hours later in the same condition they were rented out. A cleaning fee can be charged at the time of return as well as a parts replacement charge at fair business parts cost.

A helmet is required and can be rented for $10 a day.

A hardtail mountain bike can manage most any type of riding around Colorado Springs, feel free to ask any of our staff about our great riding areas COS has to offer. The shop offers maps of the city commuter trails as well as select parks nearby.

Specialized Pitch ($40/24-hour period)

[ Currently Unavailable ] Specialized Fuse ($50/24-hour period)